Present: A. Jokinen, S. Meunier, I. Podadera
- The gas storage system at ISOLDE consists in two different tanks: one of 5 m3 at 1÷2 bar and another of 3 m3 of 1÷2 bar. From these tanks the gas is pumped away to the air. These tanks are controlled by TIS division and questions about the storage time of the gas inside the tanks, our throughput and the activities of our gas should be done.
- Before this tanks exists a filter at 400-800 mbar where the activity of the gas decay.
- We need forepumps that work at vacuum (we don’t pump away the gas directly to the atmosphere).
- Front-end uses LEYBOLD turbopumps (1000 l/s). Maybe it’d better use this vendor because the control system would already be arranged.
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