Draft Minutes of the RFQ cooler « ISCOOL »
2005/12/07 in 304-1-B
Richard Catherall,
Tim Giles,
Mats Lindroos,
Nicolas Chritin,
Ivan Podadera
Julien Parra-Lopez,
Gerrit Jan Focker,
Ermanno Barbero,
Sophie Meunier,
Pierre Delahaye
Cyril Bachelet
status of the RFQ cooler:
- Some
drawings and more precision are required for the cabling of the electrodes
of the RFQ before a FSU can be hired for doing the work
- The
feet for the setting up of the RFQ trolley in the building 275 are being
designed by Nicolas. They should be machined at the ISOLDE workshop
- No
alignment for the trolley is required in 275. It will have to be aligned for
the setting up in the ISOLDE hall.
Diaphragms of diameter 10 at the injection and 4 at the extraction have to
be mounted on the inner structure of the RFQ. Such diaphragms prevent a
“shooting through” mode of the RFQ without big losses.
- The
drawings of the triplets have been made by Nicolas. Their design was
discussed between Ivan and Tim. The 3D models still need to be validated by
Tim. One triplet will be built at Orsay, the other one at Mainz.
- The
ceramics of the RFQ need to be leak tested. All the equipment necessary for
this is already available in the ISOLDE workshop or in 275.
- The
pumps will be shipped in 275 and tested there, with the ceramics
- A
lifting system has to be found for installing the pumps under the RFQ
- A new
o-ring for the big tank will be ordered by Angst and Pfiffer, and delivered
in January.
- A
faraday cup + scanner will be available by the beam diagnostic group. The
VME that was ordered for the off-line separator might be borrowed until
March 2006
- A
proper grounding of the RFQ structure needs to be done during its
installation in 275 in preparation of the safety inspection
- Some work remains to be done for
the three-phase connexion of the roughing pump
- An extension of the current high
voltage cage has to be designed for the oscillator circuit of K. Rudolph and
the power supplies of the LPC source
- An offer for the airside multipin
plugs has been sent by Hositrad. The delivery time is about 3 weeks
availability of Julien for the electrical safety, power supply and high voltage
cage issues will be rather limited in the next few months. Same for Sophie with
the vacuum issues.
Memos have to
be written for the installation of the RFQ in 170, and sent to all the section
leaders that they are informed rather precisely of the work load needed by the
project. These memos would have to be similar to the “beam line modification
requests” which are in use in the other experimental areas. Richard will be
looking for a person who would be taking this work in charge.
Minutes by
Pierre Delahaye.