Present: A. Dorsival, T. Fritioff, A. Jokinen, M. Lindroos,
I. Podadera, D. Porret, F. Wenander
Mechanical designs:
- Tomas remarks that more flanges for the last cross-piece
(from 4 cross-piece to 6) could be required in order to use the emittance
- Most of the mechanical parts of the project (like
supports, cavities,…) will be manufactured in Munich, as part of a
collaboration project. The detailed technical drawings must be done ASAP. Help
has been required from Ivan to make the technical drawings.
- It has agreed that the RFQCB will be assembled in the
building 275, and after it can be moved to other place, like the off-line
separator, if it’s necessary.
- Concerning the mechanical design, Ari agrees that the
RFQCB is not necessary that it’s too flexible, as we can optimize all the
parameters during the off-line tests and we don’t need to change them during
the on-line running.
- Alexandre agrees there is no problem if we have to
release the balloons every month instead of one year as it’s made now. In
fact, the release time depends on the decay time of the radioisotopes.
- Mats requests roof estimation of budget for things to
buy before Christmas, apart from the vacuum system and the powe supplies.
Mainly, the insulators and things that we need to assembly the device.
- It has been accorded that the RFQCB meetings will be
held when Ari comes at CERN. While, small meetings with every group for the
project will be done.
- In the spring, Tomas will be completely available for
the project. Mats will look for a support for the technical drawings.
Next meeting in the last week of August (to be confirmed).
Minutes by Ivan Podadera.
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