Minutes from installation meeting 30 May 2007
Present: Mats Lindroos, Jerome Sarret, Richard Catherall,
Luis Mario Fraile,
-When the tests with the FEBIAD ion source has been performed a beam request needs to be sent to Luis Fraile.
- Beam transmission with the RFQ at 30 keV, i.e. using the RFQ as a beam-line and not cooler. (or 60 keV) needs to be measured
- The bunching tests will be finalized when the FEBIAD is installed.
- Emittance after the RFQ with the FEBIAD ion source should be measured.
- Beam calculations were performed by Tomas Fritioff with one and/or two triplets in the beam line, this need to be verified.
- Redo/continue beam calculations with the RFQ and the beam-line replacing the RFQ.
- Define an area in 170 where the RFQCB can be installed when the off-line tests are finished and the measurements for alignment can take place.
- Urgent need for construction of the HV-platform. Richard is on it.
- Alexander Dorsival will look into the cooling time needed for the separators before the installation of the RFQ.
- The RFQ home page will be updated with necessary information.