Present: A. Jokinen, M. Lindroos, J. Pier-Amory, I.
Goal: To establish the mechanical structure and the time
estimation for the project
- Everybody agrees that Jacques should support me looking
at the concept of the mechanical design.
- Mats reports Ivan that he should ask Simon for a card to
the magazine.
- Ivan should write a little report (3-4 lines) about the
support and kind of work needed for the assembly of the pieces for the RFQCB
in building 275 in order that a technician with general knowledge help him
during the assembly.
- Mats proposes that Ivan joins to some experiments at
Jyväskylä during the beginning of next year (February).
Technical questions:
- Jacques affirms that the time estimation for the
fabrication drawings is of 4 months at full-time.
- Ari doesn’t have any problem if we use ISO-K flanges
with KALREZ instead of CF flanges if people from vacuum group accept
it and agree.
- Jacques remembers that if we use CF flanges, they are
very heavy and probably we would need some support to install them.
- Jacques remembers the question of the alignment of all
the beam line at ISOLDE since if maybe it’s impossible to see through the
switchyard and we should use spheres to align the beam (to locate our RFQCB!).
A discussion with J.C. Gayde is required. Jacques also proposes to redesign
this switchyard.
- The cost of the row material inside the fabrication cost
is only just around one tenth (1/10) of the cost.
- Mats says that due to the delay in the fundings for the
project, the vacuum system must wait but the fabrication can go ahead.
- Mats requests from Jacques an estimation of the time
that he estimates that he will be supporting Ivan until Christmas. Mats
affirms that he can cover Jacques but not full-time.
Minutes by Ivan Podadera.
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