MEETING 17-12-03
Present: T. Fritioff, A. Jokinen, M. Lindroos, I. Podadera,
F. Wenander.
Technical questions:
- The third ISOLDE balloon to store the helium gas coming
from RFQCB turbopumps will be constructed since it is before needed for
- For Faraday cage at building 275, information about the
price of material and manpower will be requested from 77777.
- The proper power supplies should be chosen with Julien
and maybe they should buy them with their budget code.
- Information about who is the right person to ask about
the RF amplifier and how to make the installation must be asked to Thomas
- It has been agreed to buy 4 insulators FRIATEC instead
of 3 (possible breakdown). Peter should provide the budget code for that.
- The construction in Munich has been agreed and can go
Building 275:
- Mats will ask Jacques about using the emittance meter in
late February to do test with MISTRAL ion source.
- Erwin will help me during the assembly of the RFQCB and
maybe for the ion source assembly.
Minutes by Ivan Podadera.
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