MEETING 15-11-04
Present: J. Billowes, P. Butler, P. Delahaye, A. Jokinen, M. Lindroos, L. M. Fraile, I. Podadera.
Topic: Discussion about the status and future of the RFQCB (Radio Frequency Cooler and Buncher).
· Money and expenditure (see attached document).
· Mechanical parts: RF rods can be manufactured at Jyväskylä. (Action: A. Jokinen)
· Vacuum:
- still money left in some accounts. Small parts like cross-pieces, bellows,… could be ordered from physics account. (Action: I. Podadera)
- To check possibility/availability to borrow 1 big pump from Jyväskylä. (Action: A. Jokinen).
- Expecting application EPSRC from UK (mid-January 2005). In case of positive result money could be spent immediately.
- RF: Pierre reports that Giles Ban from LPC-Caen could contribute sending someone to support in developing this part.
· Manpower for next year:
- Ivan’s contract finishes end of February 2005. It could be extended 3 months or longer. (Action: M. Lindroos).
- It is foreseen that Pierre Delahaye can contribute part of this time to the project starting from beginning next year 2005.
- We also look forward the participation of Dave Lunney and Gerda Neyens post-docs.
· Other topics:
- Dave Lunney reported before the meeting that he wants to move back MISTRAL ion source to ISOLDE later on summer 2005. Pierre proposed ISOLTRAP test ion source (already been tested at b. 275) as a temporary solution.
- Importance of developing of on-line control was mentioned.
Minutes by Ivan Podadera