R. Catherall, A. Herlert,
The RFQ will be moved out from the section the 10 of January into the extension of 170.
Machining (early
DN100: for the two multi-pin and four SHV cables. Drawings exist by S. Marzari.
Adaptation work on the bellow connected after the RFQ.
2 x DN200: eight feed through for BNC connectors (after vacuum tests of the existing).
New DN 200 flange with DN 40 (ISO-K).
Orders, to be checked
for delays:
3 x DN200
3x SHV connectors
16 connectors for the triplets
Multi-pin connectors (ordered)
S. Meunier will leak test to identify the leaks on the two DN200 for the triplets: December.
After re-production of the DN100 with multi-pin and SHV connectors the flinch should be given to S. Meunier for leak tests.
Leak tests of the DN 200 with the DN 40.
Pirani valves will be installed.
H. Vestergaard will provide information on the upgrade to standard of the RFQCB vacuum system. Although for 2008 the system will not be changed.
Connection of the emergency buttons to the …. network
New power supplies for the extraction triplets (are these existing???)
(Instructions for this work will be provided in a separate document)
When the new DN 100 flanch is ready:
Demount the RFQ trolley.
Redo the connections of the RFQ electrodes (this work is very delicate).
Faraday cups and
Calibration of positioning will be performed by G-J. Focker and J. Helen-Sarret in January when the RFQ is taken out.
Positioning of the benders in the switchyard will be verified
Positioning of the RFQ extraction electrodes will be verified.
K. Rudolf will be contacted to repair and make the RF reliable for the start-up.
P. Fernier is working on a stable upgrade design of the current version.
The possibility to purchase a industrial version is looked into.
E. Piselli is working on the voltage visualization of the RFQ electrodes.
Discussions with the AB-CO group on the front-end application of the integration of the RF and the gas injection. A possibility to couple this with the mass settings of the magnets will be verified.
Integration of the extraction triplets controls into the RFQCB controls. E. Piselli
Points to be discussed during the meeting:
Ø Book the soldering at AP of the connectors onto the DN100
§ Test for vacuum if possible before redoing connections
Ø Undo all inner connections and redo the soldering of the 23 electrodes. Instructions in a separate document. RFQ needs to be moved into the extension.
§ Test for vacuum before remounting.
Tests to be done in April (one week eventually parallel with other tests we do not need CA0 beam line.)
Training AB/OP (1/2 a day during startup tests preferably in April)
MD (even after start-up if necessary)