An RFQ cooler and buncher (RFQCB) for ISOLDE has
being developed and installed. The RFQ has been installed between the HRS magnets and the merging switchyard.

The RFQ can be operated in continuous mode as the beam has been previously at ISOLDE, or in bunched beam mode.
The improvement since the installation is a low emittance beam after the cooler that is easily tuned to the
different experiments there is a transmission efficiency of 100% from the
Faraday cup after the cooler down to several of the different experimental stations.
The achieved transmission during operations are >70 % for masses above 39. In general between 70-80 % transmission from the ISOLDE plasma ionsource and in general somewhat higher transmissions from the ISOLDE surface ionsouces.
This dependency is depending on the emittance of the beam coming from the ionsouces. This transmission is to be compared to a previos loss of between 50-70% in the mergin switchyard and then further losses during the transport to different experiments.
Such a device combines an energy loss in buffer gas atom-ion
collisions with confinement provided by RF-field in transverse plane.
Optional confinement in longitudinal direction is provided by static
potential dwell. The RFQCB operates inside a high voltage cage.
This website was created by
Ivan Podadera and updated by
Hanna Frånberg.